A few days ago, Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg shared some usage stats for the different platforms the company owns. These were Facebook itself, Messenger app, WhatsApp and Instagram. Back then, he revealed that WhatsApp has 900 million monthly users but it looks like the real figure is well over 1 billion.
Read More: Mark Zuckerberg Shows How Big Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram Are in The Social Media Space
In a statement, the company said, “WhatsApp began as a simple idea: ensuring that anyone could stay in touch with family and friends anywhere on the planet, without costs or gimmicks standing in the way.”
“We’re excited to see how far we’ve come. But now, it’s back to work – because we still have another 6 billion people to get on WhatsApp, and a long way left to go.”
No annual subscription fee
WhatsApp has been growing really fast and is not going to slow down anytime soon. The company even got rid of its annual subscription fee and this is going to help it grow even further especially in most developing markets. This may be Zuckerberg’s plan to get as many people onto the messaging platform as they can.
Commenting on this, Zuckerberg said “We’ve added the ability for you to call loved ones far away. We’ve dropped the subscription fee and made WhatsApp completely free.” He went ahead to conclude “Next, we’re going to work to connect more people around the world and make it easier to communicate with businesses.”
Even with connecting many people all over the world, WhatsApp still have no clear way of making money as they will have to try to do that sometime in the near future. Most people will be looking out for that and since WhatsApp said that it has no plans to sell ads to users, we are left wondering what the company has planned (if they have any plan that is).
Read More: WhatsApp Gets Rid of Its Annual Subscription Fee