Apple recently unveiled its latest flagship, the iPhone 6 which was received well to say the least. Apple unveiled two variants of the iPhone 6, one with a 4.7 inch screen and the other one (iPhone 6 plus) with a bigger 5.5 inch screen. Even though they had a few disappointments, these devices were still major upgrades in the iWorld where bigger screens have been considered a no go zone for years.
The two iPhone variants went on sale last Friday in 10 countries with more countries joining the list this week. As you would expect for every iPhone, the demand was huge and people queued for days just to be the first ones to own the device. Even before Friday, pre-orders for the iPhone 6 had set a new record for Apple topping 4 million units. This is quite an impressive figure if you come to think of it.
Apple is also reporting that the iPhone 6 sales for the first weekend topped 10 million units, a new record for the company. 10 million units in just three days is very impressive no matter what you think of Apple and its products. This is even more impressive when you realize that these figures represent the 10 countries the iPhone 6 was available in by Monday. Expect this figure to go even higher when twenty-some countries join the list this Friday.
The impressive sales figures show that iPhone fans always wanted bigger screens but Apple was not listening. As for Kenya, we will have to wait till late November to sometime in December to get our hand on these new iPhones.