Last month, Samsung sent out invitation for the Galaxy Note 4 event. Even tough Samsung did not state clearly that the invitation was for the Note 4, the clues in the invitation confirmed it was the Note 4’s launch event.
Even tough Samsung is teasing us with videos and photos of the Note 4, the south Korean company refuses to reveal any other information about this device.
With only two days left to the official launch of the Galaxy Note 4, Samsung has released a new video that somehow shows us what to expect when the Galaxy Note 4 is unveiled. The video does not reveal much but if you analyze it a little bit, you will get some clues as to what to expect with the Note 4.
The Video is filled with words such as “share”, “write”, “create” and “go big” showing us what the device will be all about. At the end of the video, the words “Ready to Note?” pop up right after we see the stylus pen (synonymous with the Galaxy Note series).
Some of the features you should expect the Note 4 to pack include a 5.9-inch QHD screen, a quad core processor and a 16MP camera.
Check back here on September 3 to ensure you do not miss all the details when the Note 4 is finally unveiled.
Check out the teaser video below.
[youtube url=”″ width=”560″ height=”315″]