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Telegram’s Latest Update Brings these Nifty Features



Telegram’s latest update — version 5.13, for those who keep count, has brought some cool nifty additions with it. The first handy addition is the “Send when Online” feature. This allows users to draft their messages on Telegram then the app automatically sends it when the recipient returns online. It is part of the message scheduling option that has been available on Telegram for a while.

Another cool feature rolled out in the new version is a theme editor. What this does is it will allow Telegram users to easily tweak up the look of the app. Theme editor can be able to change Telegram style elements including the creation of themes with color gradients and patterns.

Switching to or from Night Mode has also been made easy. Other features added include the power to choose venues easily while sharing your location, dark maps when you switch to Night Mode, plus a couple of new animations added which can be seen when you drag down in user profiles or jumping between messages in a chat.

On top of that, you can also choose video quality while sending videos more intuitively. The typical bug fixing is also part of the new release notes.

There are also some extra features added quietly like the better podcast and audiobook support, plus better text selection, among others.

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