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Twitter’s “Quality Filter” Allows Verified Users to Filter out Abusive Tweets

Twitter can be a tough jungle for some people with abusive tweets and trolls coming from every corner. To tackle this, Twitter has quietly rolled out a new filtering tool that will allow verified users to filter out tweets with abusive language. It makes sense for Twitter to roll out the feature to verified users fast as they are the ones who receive so much hate on the social networking platform. Let’s just hope this feature will be rolled out to other users.

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The features called “Quality filter”, is only available for verified users using Twitter’s iOS app. No news about its availability on other platforms but I expect it before the end of the year. With this feature, Twitter hopes the experience of users on its site will improve as they will be able to filter out tweets containing threats, abusive and offensive language. The feature will also allow trimming out of duplicate content or tweets sent from suspicious accounts.

Twitter “Quality filter”

With the new feature, users do not have to see the abusive tweets sent to them. The features currently available allow users to block or report tweets after they have received and seen them. Twitter believes that handling issues as it has done so far may affect the experience that may give people more reasons to leave the site altogether.


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