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Google Set To Redesign New Friendly Versions Of Search,Youtube, Chrome For Kids



The Internet since its launch has had its benefits and drawbacks to individuals and the society particularly kids and teenagers.A simple click on a Computer can redirect the user to a useful academic page with useful information for learning and still give easy access to  “Pornographic  and explicit content and material even to those under the age of 18 Years.Google confirmed it was working on ways to allow parents to oversee their child’s interactions with the company’s services, including limiting time spent with them. The news come a few months after there were rumors that the company was working on a version of YouTube tailored for children under 10 years old.

Parents or guardians would no longer have to follow up or spend too much time checking on their Kids and what stuff they download or get from three commonly Favorited internet places namely;You tube,chrome and Search.This move is aimed at keeping obscene and adult content to kids under 18 Years and Mostly those below 12years.A kid might have borrowed their Parents laptop and despite the fact that the parent ensures the history is clean wiped and removes any serach suggestions some ads that might be adult rated display on the Computer monitor prompting a click which automatically redirects the web page to an explicit site.This problem has been blamed on Goggle since It’s no secret that Google collects user information to serve targeted ads, but that won’t be easy here because of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) that imposes strict limits on how information about kids under 13 is collected. So far, nearly 20 companies, including Yelp, have been fined for mining young user information without parental consent.

Google Confirmed that it is in the process of creating tailored versions of some of its most popular products for children under 12 years old. The company didn’t provide any specific details on when such products will roll-out, except that they are due at some point next year.

“The big motivator inside the company is everyone is having kids, so there’s a push to change our products to be fun and safe for children,” said Google’s vice president of engineering Pavni Diwanji, who is also charged with leading the new initiative.

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