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Facebook working on mobile search feature for old posts.

Facebook  a company that was merely an idea from college nerds,is now one of the most profitable and largest Company its stock price currently retailing at $74.82, and still rising to greater heights.However its  growth has  attracted corporation and market rivalry with other giants like Goggle and Twitter.For website owners you might have realized goggle ad sense tries as much as possible to limit traffic from Facebook.Competition is beneficial to consumers andOnline freaks,as more features,apps,come up resulting to better services and reliability.

Currently Facebook integrates a feature that lets its users search for friends,high school classmates,college mates ,companies,or fan pages.However their are speculations on an update that will let users not only search for old posts,but even specific posts of companies ,family or friends.

The Company is rumored to have  already started testing the feature,with a select few of Facebook users being able to use it.For instance, a company might have face booked a job vacancy,change of address or location,or change of its management board.With the help of this feature you just type the keywords from the old post and your good to go.If you want to check out your friends or family its easy,like “Kevin’s trip”,the feature will identify and locate all posts with in your audience or friends and redirect to the page.Facebook earlier had been working on almost a similar feature the “graph search”. This  feature is actually still being tested from February,and Speculations of its use with the mobile search feature is a possibility.

The Graph search feature enables users find places,people,or Companies,without getting irrelevant search results.

How to Use the Graph Search Feature

1.Click on the search bar at the top of Facebook home page

2.Type your search,for example,Friends in Nairobi.

3.As you type a list of suggestions will appear

4.Choose one of the suggestions if its your preferred search results,or finish typing then press enter.

5.Use the filters,or click redefine search on the right to narrow down your results by things like location,or date.

Both features aim at helping users be more specific in what they are looking for,resulting to faster access and reliability.

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