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Facebook Reveals That the Use of LOL Is Not As Popular As We Think

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If you spend most of your time online, then you have come across the phrase ‘LOL’ at least once or twice. This is just one of the many phrases people use but Facebook says that it is not that popular.

Facebook revealed this through a blog post published last week. The data was collected during the last week of May and was meant to show how people “laugh online” using different methods.

The conclusion from the study shows that the simple phrase “haha” is the most used and accounts for 51.4% when compared to the other phrases including “hehe”, “lol” and emojis. The use of Emojis when “e-laughing” came is second with 33% of the people using it while “hehe” came in third while Lol came in last with 1.9% of the people using it. See the graph below.

Facebook also revealed that Emojis are popular with young people with most of those using them being females.

It is interesting to see how we communicate on social networking sites and how the methods we use to communicate change from time to time.

Source [Facebook]

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