WhatsApp voice calling first rolled out to Android users a few weeks ago with an iOS version following. Brining voice calling to its very popular messaging app brings direct competition to other market players such as Skype and Viber who have been around for a while. WhatsApp has promised to bring this feature to all its platforms in the next few weeks.
Read: WhatsApp for Windows Phone To Be Updated With the Voice Calling Feature Very Soon
We were all expecting Windows Phone to be the third platform to get this feature but surprising enough, BlackBerry 10 beat Windows Phone on that. BlackBerry has had this feature for a while but it was only available on beta until a few days ago.
The official release of WhatsApp v2.12.1.2 through BlackBerry World brings the voice calling feature to all users. This update also fixes a number of bugs that have been reported by BlackBerry users. Some of the improvements the update brings include search for individual messages, improved font scaling, custom ringtone selection and more.
Showing support for multiple platforms is what has helped WhatsApp gain over 800 million active users.
Read: WhatsApp Now Has 800 Million Monthly Active Users