Google updated Android wear yesterday to make the platform more competitive and appealing to users. This was the first major update for the platform ever since it was first released. Releasing the update a few days before the Apple watch hits the market may be a coincidence but I think Google planned this so as to be ahead of competition. Below is a look at some new features added to the platform.
Always-On Screen, Always-On Apps
With most Android wear devices, you can easily check the time without tapping, twisting or shaking your Smartwatch. This is because of the always-on screen. Google wishes to expand this and that is why the latest update brings the option to app. With this feature, you can let specific apps stay visible without going to sleep when you drop your hand. What Google has made cool here is the screen will only be full colour when you are looking at it so you save on battery while still get the info you need.
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Phone Free Support
With this new update, you do not always have to have your phone with you to use your Smartwatch. The Wifi support makes it easier for your phone to communicate with your smartwatch as long as both are connected to the internet. You phone needs to be connected to the internet via cellular data of wifi and your smartwatch needs to be connected to a wifi network. With the connection established, you will be able to send messages, receive notifications and use any app on your smartwatch.
Simple and Fast Hands Free Use
This update allows you to access your info and notifications faster. You no longer need your hands to check your notifications, all you can do is flick your wrist and easily scroll through the stream. Flick your wrist inward to go to the “previous card” in the stream. Flick your wrist outward to go to the “next card” in the stream.
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Emoji Replies
If you are in a situation where you cannot talk, you can reply to messages using emojis. You can easily draw emojis directly on the screen and the watch will recognize it and send it over to your contact.
These updates will be available to all Android wear smartwatches and will be available in the next few weeks. The first smartwatch to get the update will be the LG Watch Urbane.
Source [Google]