The Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processors have not had a good run so far with allegations of overheating. Samsung claimed that the overheating issues were so much that it could not use the processor on its latest flagship, the Galaxy S6. Of course Qualcomm denied these allegations but this did not encourage Samsung to use this processor.
Read: The Snapdragon 810 Processor Does Not Have Any Overheating Issues After All
One device that uses the Snapdragon 810 processor, the HTC One M9, has been shown to have overheating issues with temperatures reaching 55.4 degrees Celsius. HTC acknowledged this problem and blamed the overheating on incomplete software and not the hardware (the Snapdragon 810 processor in this case).
Whatever may be causing the overheating issues, Qualcomm has a solution. The company’s yet to be released processor, the Snapdragon 815 seems to be running much cooler than the Snapdragon 810. This was deduced from tests conducted internally by Qualcomm.
Read: The Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 Will Be In Most Premium Smartphones This Year
According to Qualcomm, the tests were run on a handset with a 5 inch FHD display and 3GB of RAM. The results showed that the Snapdragon 815 processor topped temperatures of around 38 degrees Celsius compared to the Snapdragon 810 processor that reached 44 degrees Celsius.
These are just test figures that may vary when the Snapdragon 815 processor is installed in an actual device. At this point, all we can do is wait and see how it turns out.