Google’s latest Android update, Android 5.1, has been reported to have serious memory leaks ever since its early stages. Google is currently aware of this problem and has already fixed the problem. According to Google, its upcoming release, Android 5.1.1, will be a more stable version with no memory leaks.
According to users who have already tried Android 5.1, some apps restart on their own while others just disappear as you are using them. Free RAM has also been reported to drop from about 1.1GB-1.3GB to 750MB-800MB. This is quite serious and I hope the update comes very soon. In some cases, opening of apps increases the amount of RAM being used but closing of the apps does not reduce the RAM being used.
The memory leaks have been reported mostly by Nexus users but I haven’t heard anything about the other Smartphones.
Since Google knows the existence of the problem, all we can do is wait for the update to roll out. This may be as soon as this month or sometime next month.