Microsoft has attempted to get in on the selfie trend. In a bid to promote its Lumia 730 ‘selfie’ smartphone, the company planned to capture the world’s largest selfie using the device.
The result was a photo that included 1,151 people in the frame. The photo was shot at an event in Bangalore, where participants were asked to sign in to ascertain the number of people in attendance. The photo was later posted on Microsoft Lumia’s Bangladesh Facebook page.
With this image, Microsoft enters the Guinness Book of World Record for the largest selfie ever. This was previously held by Lava, who did a similar promotional strategy for its Iris X5 and took a selfie with 1,000 people from the smartphone. Microsoft has submitted its record breaking photo to Guinness, but the organization has not responded yet.
While Microsoft now holds the title of the world’s largest selfie, Ellen Degeneres created the world record for the most retweeted selfie ever. She took the photo while hosting Oscars with big-wigs like Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep and Bradley Cooper.
Check out the selfie below