Mobile Phone users will no longer have to pay for Microsoft apps as the company last week made it official,that it will no longer sell its mobile software to Smart phone users.The idea of Microsoft selling the package to users had made users opt for other software developer apps that were free,or have illegal software copies of the Microsoft version.There’s nothing fun and great as a great app that’s free,Microsoft apps according to top tech websites and magazines are now the most downloaded and top free apps in just few days after the announcement.
Microsoft Word is now the number one free iPhone and iPad application on iTunes, closely followed by other Microsoft Office apps including Excel and PowerPoint. The apps have shot up to the top of Apple’s App Store after last week’s pricing changes. Before, Microsoft had required iPad users to subscribe to Office 365 in order to create new files, and had offered a limited feature set on iPhone.Out of the 1 billion people that used Office, the Office for i Pad product had been downloaded more than 40 million times.
The push to adopt to come up with an ios based Microsoft app came as a result of competitors like Google and even Apple itself developing establish footholds of their own on mobile devices with software that consumers can now access for free. While Google’s online office software had always been free for consumers, Apple announced its productivity apps would also become free and ship with every new Mac and iOS device.