The Ebola crisis in western countries has made scientists and med staff come up with various strategies and techniques to curb this issue.Various technological stuff and techniques have been employed to curb this menace and the latest marvelous invention is Little Moe.Little Moe a Child of a San Antonio based company;Xenex has developed an ultra Violet Pulse robot thats programmed to clean hospitals and infected areas with in 5Minutes by fusing its DNA.
The purposed technology however isn’t all that new as it works by flashing surfaces with ultraviolet rays and beams which end up killing and destroying the Virus,with the help of a Xenon lamp that can penetrate and destroy Viruses in a much better and unique way.The only draw back of Little Moe is its inability to move around the infected room or hospital room ,but needs to be actually be placed in a room to be able to be controlled or clean the surfaces and infected areas.
Little Moe is one of the many robotic inventions that have surfaced over time,in the medical sector that have greatly and significantly reduced viral and bacteria spread over years.The Medical robotics business is reported to be booming and making lots of cash,with most robots originating from Asian Countries like China and Korea.Apart from Little Moe there are other robots that act and take place of human beings,with some even reported to controlling traffic,while other working as real employees in flower green houses.