After months of rumours and leaks, Apple has finally announced its first Smartwatch that it calls the Apple watch. Apple decided to settle for the”Apple Watch” name and not the iWatch to the surprise of many. As we had told you earlier last week, Apple has unveiled two different variants of the Apple watch.
The Apple watch is a different Smartwatch compared to what we have seen so far on the market as it is stylish and fashionable to appeal to both the geeks and the ordinary people. According to Tim Cook, the Apple watch is here to redefine what people have come to expect from smartwatches.
“What we didn’t do is take the iPhone user interface and shrink it to the watch’s screen,” Cook said.
Some of the features that make the Apple watch what it is include a flexible, rectangular display, a “Digital Crown” jog dial on the side will allow you to cycle through menus, brand new user interface and Infrared and visible-light LEDs, along with photosensors, detect your pulse rate.
Apple is clearly redefining the market and it will be interesting to see how the consumers receive the Apple watch given that it will start retailing at $349 (approximately Kshs. 30,000) pretax. This Smartwatch is truly innovative with a touch sensitive screen that can sense force and will reacts differently depending on your hard you touch it.
According to Tim Cook, The Apple Watch “can be worn all day, in any occasion.”