Asus is about to dive in to the Smartwatch market with its first Android wear Smartwatch. This is according to a teaser image the company released yesterday. It has been reported for a while and it seems that Asus will unveil it officially on September 3 at this year’s edition of the IFA.
In the teaser image released by Asus, the message is clear showing the date with the quote, “Time has been transformed and we have changed.”
One thing that attracts attention to this Smartwatch is its curved display nature that we are yet to see on a fully-fledged Smartwatch. The only company that has come close to this is Samsung with its gear fit that is not technically a Smartwatch but it is still close.
The device is also believed to have a front facing camera and has been referred to as the most affordable Android wear device yet. This Smartwatch is expected to cost anything between $99 and $149 (approximately Kshs. 8,700 and 13,000 respectively). This is quite a low price considering most smartwatches in the market currently cost anything above $200 (approximately Kshs. 18,000).