We have heard rumours that Apple was planning g to use Sapphire glass on their upcoming flagship, the iPhone 6. We even heard that the Sapphire glass used on the iPhone 6 may not be that strong as some people have suggested. This may be the case but keep in mind these are just rumours and how strong the display will be will be revealed when the iPhone 6 comes out.
The new report comes from a more trusted source, The Wall Street Journal, that suggests that Apple will use Sapphire glass on some version iPhone 6. No details were revealed but the report says these will be the more expensive version of the iPhone 6. The report did not reveal anything about the different sizes of the iPhone 6 that we have heard before.
The report also revealed that the Sapphire display will be used on Apple’s upcoming Smartwatch, the iWatch. The report did not say anything about the launch date for either the iPhone 6 or the iWatch but we think it will be on September 9.
Why Sapphire Glass
The main reason why Apple will go with Sapphire glass is because of its hardness and durability. Looking at the hardness, the only other materials harder than sapphire is diamond. This means the display will be scratch resistant compared to other materials.
Sources [Cult Of Mac, Wall Street Journal]