For quite sometime now, Samsung has been said to be working on a new line of tablets to join its already existing ones. The company unveiled the new tablet line a few hours ago in New York and it took the chance to show the first two tablets to fall in this, these are the 8.4 and the 10.5 inch Galaxy Tab S tablets.
The tablets are ultra thin measuring 6.6 mm in thickness. This Samsung refers to as the minimal and modern design. The Galaxy Tab S tablets are also very light weighing only 465g for the 10.5-inch model and 294g for the 8.4-inch model.
Diving into the specs, it is clear that Samsung meant for these tablets to be premium and better upgrades compared to the existing line. To start with, these devices will have WQXGA SuperAMOLED displays with resolutions of 2560×1600 pixels. The super AMOLED display means that the Galaxy Tab S will have a wider colour range and deep contrast.
Under the hood, the Galaxy Tab S will have either an Exynos 5 Octa core processor (1.9 GHz quad-core + 1.3 GHz quad-core) or a quad core Snapdragon 800 processor depending on where you are. The processors both clock at 2.3 GHz.
The RAM on the Tab S line is not bad standing at 3GB for both versions with either 16 or 32GB of internal storage this can be expanded to using a microSD card. The back camera will top at 8MP while the front facing one will be 2.1Mp.
Just like the Galaxy S5, the Galaxy Tab S devices will have a fingerprint scanner to keep your tablet safe. The coolest thing about this feature is that you can have different users with different accounts on the same tablet and each user can access his account by using his fingerprints. This ensures no one person controls the entire tablet on his/her own.
These tablets will be available in Dazzling white or Titanium Bronze and will have book covers that come in White, Bronze, Blue, Ivory, Red, and Black.
Availability of these tablets is from June and they will retail at approximately Kshs. 35,000 for the 8.4-inch model and approximately Kshs. 44,000 for the 10.5 inch variant. These prices are excluding taxes so expect them to go up significantly when the tablets land in Kenya.
In my opinion, this is a very good move for Samsung to take their tablets to the next level. I am very excited to see the Super AMOLED WQXGA in play and that is one of the main reason I will get myself one of these preferably the 8.4 inch version. I will also be interested in seeing how the 3GB RAM and the Octa core processor work together