Nokia recently launched its first Android powered device, the Nokia X. The smartphone was received well in the market and had a good number of positive reviews from both Nokia and Android diehard fans. The phone was officially launched in Kenya 2 weeks ago and is now available in stores for Kshs. 12,499.
Even with such success, the company is not about to take a break and celebrate this success as they have a few Lumia devices they are launching on April 2. Some of these new Lumia devices are rumoured to be the Lumia 630 and Lumia 930 that were supposed to be unveiled at Mobile world congress last month.
At first, the event was to be on April 19 but Nokia pushed it up to April 2. Microsoft will also be having its own event at that exact date and my guess is they will unveil Windows Phone 8.1 and if they do so, I will not be surprised to see the Windows Phone 8.1 on the Lumia devices that Nokia launches.
The Lumia 630 is expected to have the following features:
Size: 129.5 x 66.7mm.
4.5 inches touch screen
854×480 resolution
Virtual touch keys
Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor
For the Lumia 930, not much is known at this point. There is also another mystery device codenamed ‘Goldfinger’ that has no physical buttons and uses a new sensor system for gestures.